BJJ Panda Journeys, Stories from the Mats
BJJ Panda Journeys, Stories from the Mats
Episode 15 - The Journey of Gabe Slone "The Long Lost Panda"
This week we meet Gabe Slone. Gabe has been training for just over 13 years. Most recently competed at the Worlds and won GOLD in Brown Belt Masters Open weight!!! He as also competed and won Silver and is currently ranked number 3 in the world at Brown Belt Masters level!!
Hear about his very first day on the mats and gain insight and wisdom he shares from his years of experience.
Gabe also started a Non-Profit that helps young people in the community develop through Jiu Jitsu by providing them scholarship money to pay BJJ school dues. If you want to know more check out https://www.embraceprocess.org/
Thanks again to Gabe for coming on the show!!!
Sit back, relax and enjoy...
Make sure to let us know what you think by commenting on our Facebook Page: Panda Power Hour, Instagram: BJJ_Pandas or at our website BJJPandas.com
As a reminder we have a new line of BJJ apparel including T-Shirt and Hoodies and will be offering pre-orders on rash guards and Gis . Check us out at www.ShadowRealmBJJ.com or check us out on Instagram at Shadowrealmbjj and Facebook at Shadow Realm BJJ
Special thank you to Drew Knote for supporting the podcast