BJJ Panda Journeys, Stories from the Mats
BJJ Panda Journeys, Stories from the Mats
Episode 27 - The Journey of Dylan Gebhart "The Judo Panda"
This week we meet Dylan Gebhart, Dylan is currently a white belt in BJJ and ranked in Judo. We get to talk to Dylan about his Journey and what he has experienced just starting out. It was a lot of fun chatting Dylan and hearing his perspective and thoughts.
Thanks again to Dylan for coming on the show!!!
Sit back, relax and enjoy...
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As a reminder we have a new line of BJJ apparel including T-Shirt and Hoodies and will be offering pre-orders on rash guards and Gis . Check us out at www.ShadowRealmBJJ.com or check us out on Instagram at Shadowrealmbjj and Facebook at Shadow Realm BJJ
In Memory of Brad Chernoff, the best Dad a son could have!!
Special thank you to Drew Knote for supporting the podcast